Tuesday, June 26, 2007

clickykbd's picks - issue 26

A long overdue selection of my picks from the the Camera Toss pool on flickr. Hover over a thumbnail to see attribution, click to follow to the original image on flickr.

Untitled (by j neuberger) Yeah! (by *kasten) Kinetic 466_Exactly 10,000 (by mtnrockdhh) Toss 4 (by Dianic) Kinetic 457_Blue Sevilhanas (by mtnrockdhh)
fast food (by _ferro_) First Flying Shoot (by manisch creatief) parthenogenesis_1 (by tossthecam) camera toss sunset (by j neuberger) Green & Red (by AH in Pgh)
DSCN0716 (by QuakkauQ) Virgin Mother (by Paul_Canning) DSC07242_1 (by tossthecam) Fairground Toss 6 (by earthfromtheground) Camera Toss in the Garden (by MIGUEL™)
White Turn (by davespilbrow) FlickrToss (by davespilbrow) TV Slinky (by breakofdawn) Fleur de Lyghts (by earthfromtheground) fanatic (by mappamundi)
still tossing with the flash on (by kittymorgan) Celtic Not (by earthfromtheground) Camera toss (by OLDSKOOLDAVE) 365 Day 38: Throwing Up (by jump4joy) Building new POWER with building dance (by sullian)
Cherry Tree II (by sunrisesoup)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Digiarte '07 Followup

I posted previously how I contributed to the digital art annual exhibition DIGIARTE in Florence, Italy (May). Well the curator, Logu (Lorenzo) Guasti, finally created a flickr account for Digiarte and shared some photos of the space and installations/events. Here's a couple highlights but more on the photostream...

Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte) Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte)
Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte) Digiarte alla Galleria dell'IperCoop a Sesto Fiorentino (by digiarte)
Convegno DIGIARTE2007 (by digiarte) reactable_gunter (by digiarte)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Food for Thought (or Art)...

I choose the inputs to the process but I don't choose the combinations, they happen randomly. So that's a different idea for what an artist does. It's also a different idea therefore for what a viewer does. If the viewer is aware that their experience of the thing is unique and not necessarily the same as the artist's experience, I think that puts them in a different position as well.
---Brian Eno
Glad to have Brian Eno as a spokesman for Camera Toss. Just kidding of course... but substitute "viewer" for "participant" in that paragraph and he might as well have been! Either his the words perfectly describe part of the way I feel about all this.

Here's a camera toss by Right Brain where the inputs are some deck chairs and a porch facade

Day Toss, originally uploaded by Right Brain.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Command-Z Concludes...

Command-Z Exhibition at the Torrance Art Museum closed on May 26th. The Camera Tossing installation and slideshow received over 600 submissions from the community and public during the course of the show.

The Rotating Slideshow and Contact-Sheet views are still online, however submissions are closed.

I had the thought to post some "best of" from the submissions similiar to the pool picks, but there were simply too many that deserved mention. So instead here's all 7 pages of thumbnails archived as web-shots:

Archival Screenshot (by clickykbd) Archival Screenshot (by clickykbd)
Archival Screenshot (by clickykbd) Archival Screenshot (by clickykbd)
Archival Screenshot (by clickykbd) Archival Screenshot (by clickykbd)
Archival Screenshot (by clickykbd)

Once again, you can browse all these yourself. Congratulations to everyone in the community who contributed to the exhibition of this idea at Command-Z.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Cool Concepts: Human Powered Digital Cameras

The first post in what will eventually be a series. Great concepts I've encountered online... hopefully most having to do with media, art, and photography... but not promising I won't stray from that theme.

So the "crank/shake/generally-perturb" devices designed with energy generation coming from the user, such as the hand crank radios, the eventual laptop for 3rd world countries have finally hit home in an area I pay attention to.

Seen on the Make: Blog, a camera you never have to charge or replace the batteries in!

Sony is behind this product. And personally, I WANT ONE. Although it's a good thing I am not too into nature photography. I can't imagine this thing is very "silent". *imagines the whirrrring sound of the charging mechanism as you spin it around on your fingers* Maybe they could alter it to match at least one animal's mating call.

Translated version of original article, with more pictures.